Anders Zorn - Etchings and Paintings
The Society of Painters and Etchers was formed in 1880.
Their main agenda was to promote printmaking as an original art form.
Printmaking seems to becoming more popular, especially among painters these
days. While in England around 1880, Anders Zorn met up with a fellow Swede,
Axel Herman Haig. Haig was one of the founders of the Society. He taught Zorn
how to etch, as Haig was an excellent, self-taught, prolific etcher. Zorn was
casually interested at first and did not take it up seriously until he was established
in Paris, 1888. Below I have put etchings and paintings by Zorn side by side
for comparisons. One example is a sketch and etching.
Zorn superimposed his portrait on the dancer in ‘The Waltz’.
He wrote in his autobiography notes, “ I particularly recall my efforts with
that troublesome task: the waltz. I was fond of dancing and wanted to attempt a
study in movement using scenes from society balls I had attended in Paris. It
was always the same crowded mess in the ballroom; you couldn’t take many steps
without being pushed out of time. You had to move to an antechamber to dance in
peace, and this is the kind of intimate scene I wanted to portray.” ‘The
Waltz’, in oil, was exhibited in the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair with the etching
exhibiting in Paris Societe des Peintres-Graveurs Francais and the New York
gallery of Frederick Keppel’s.
'Study of Rosita Maure', Graphite and Etching, 1889
'Omnibus', Oil and Etching, 1892
'Jean-Baptiste Faure', Oil and Etching, 1891
'Self Portrait with Model', Oil 1896, Etching 1899